Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A Few Clouds and Controversy

The voice of Paul Harvey resounded across the nation in February 2013 as attention was called back to one of the largest industries in the United States.

Media has played different roles for the agricultural industry, whether it's networking about pest management practices, advertising equipment or, in this case, shedding light on the industry when the most people will be there to receive it.

However, ag in the media is not always a positive thing. In the last several years, organizations like PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) have seized every opportunity to spread rumors and propaganda, most of which goes against what the industry is about. PETA has even begun to target young children, and have even produced comics made for kids called "Your Daddy Kills Animals" and "Your Mommy Kills Animals." (http://vegcourtesy.blogspot.com)
Aside from the inappropriate comics, PETA is constantly producing commercials and videos, as well as making appearances at state fairs across the nation.

Another key player spreading falsehoods about the industry is one that not many would think of.


Yeah, they have awesome burritos and scrumptious bowls but they have been throwing around some not-so-savory words about the agricultural industry.

Within recent years, Chipotle has launched campaigns like "Food With Integrity" and the Cultivate Foundation. Their main focus is "advocating" for free-roaming animals that are raised "properly" and without antibiotics, synthetic food, etc.

Also recently, Chipotle has launched a series on Hulu called "Farmed and Dangerous" that they consider to be "satire." The main focus is about what animals are being fed, which, according to Chipotle is straight petroleum tablets.

When faced with propaganda, whether good or bad, it's essential to seek the facts. It's also important to keep in mind that every industry has flaws; ag is not excluded from that. But that's why the facts and becoming informed matters. That's why this blog matters.

It's up to each of you to keep your seed growing. Seek the facts and let it grow.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love Chipotle, but this disappoints me. I dislike when companies falsely accuse farmers of mistreating or "poisoning" animals when they truly do not know all the facts of every single farm.
